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    • Contact plugin field types

      Back to Contact form plugin.

      There are a wide array of options for field types when adding new sections to your contact form. Below we detail each one, with details as to what they are used for and what will work.

    • Accepts email fields. Does validity checks on entered data to check that the email address is valid.
      You'll need the above Email field for this to work, but this forces the user to enter their email address twice. This allows to to confirm that they haven't misspelt their email address.
      Runs a check to make sure characters have not been added, and that it meets a standard telephone number format.
      The most commonly used field. Useful for most requests like Forenames, Surnames, Addresses, and general text.
      Mostly used for the enquiry/message part of the form. Essentially a large version of the Text field, so a larger box for more text, and multi line.
      Password field allows for you to request a password, maybe for account management, which has its characters hidden in the browser, like the login password field.
      Displays Radio option buttons for each options given, which have been separated by a pipe.
      Displays checkboxes for each options given, which have been separated by a pipe.
      Displays the drop down of options given, which have been separated by a pipe.
      Date field, which when selected, displays a calendar allowing the visitor to select a date with ease.
      Allows people to select a time. A popup appears once the field has focus allowing time selection.
      Allows users to attach a document or image. Maybe you need applicants to attach a CV. There are further options for the Attachment in the Attachment section.
      Captcha Image
      CAPTCHA stands for 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart', which is a test text you've probably seen on other sites. Its the random bunch of text that appears asking you to repeat. The idea is that SPAM bots won't be able to read the image and complete the test. This dratically reduces the amount of Spam the form receives. The Captcha image changes on every page load.
      Text (full width) which is free text for you to insert instructions or notifications, which require no input from the user.
      Text (full width) which is free text for you to insert instructions or notifications, which require no input from the user.
      Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him. I call it luck. What?! Alderaan?
      Text left is the same as the Text Full Width, except that this is restricted to the left, normally reserved for the left side the labels are kept in.
      Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him. I call it luck. What?! Alderaan?
      Text right is the same as the Text Full Width, except that this is restricted to the right, normally reserved for the right side the field are kept in.
      The section split allows you to put long enquiry forms appear over more than 1 page. So the section split field is placed in between two fields, with the top being the last of one section, and the below being the first of the next section.
      Adding this requires the template to be compatible, adds page tabs so navigate between sections, and each section has a button to continue to the next.
      Each for has to be validated before moving onto the next.
      There are further section options in the Advanced section.