• 01323 735800

    • Text Plugin

      Our most frequently used plugin is one of the simplest. The Text Plugin. Edit text with our simple Rich Text Editor (RTE), which you will find easy to use if you have ever used any sort of Word Processing software.

      Display Mode

      In normal mode, the text plugin displays the text saved the formats selected, including any inserted images and links. Style, colours and layouts may look different from edit mode because styling is controlled by the pages template, which can change elements depending on the position within the page or any styles or classes applied within the page.

      There are no interactive elements to this plugin.


      This content is a Text Plugin, which includes headings, different styles and an image to demo is properties. 

      Edit Mode

      Editing this plugin gives you only one text field, with the RTE toolbar at the top. Simply edit the text area and save the plugin to update.

      Text plugin update form

      For detailed instructions on using the RTE, please read the Text Editor Documentation.