Management Window
Management Window Dialogs appear all over the site to help you manage the bigger parts of the site.
You'll find them in the User Management, Page Management, Blog Management, Product Management, Property Management and Job Management windows.
They all look the same, and work the same way. The only difference is the Data Table contents.
Some will include extra buttons within the top toolbar, in which the instructions for them will be included with the unique instructions along with the details about its associated Data Table. For example, the User Management includes a button to Export all the users to a CSV. This button is unique for User Management, so the instructions are there.
Common Layout
The common layout is details below, along with a picture of the Page Management window. Close the window by clicking on the cross in the top right of the Management Window.
You can resize the window using the dashed arrows in the bottom right hand corner, to make the window larger or smaller, depending on your requirements. You can also drag the dialog round the screen, like all other dialogs, by clicking and dragging the title bar.
Data Table
We'll ignore the contents of the Data Table here, but the functionality will be detailed, which is usable across all Data Tables.
The toolbar across the top contains options to modify the view, and will also be the place in which unique buttons appear.
Rows to display
The first option of the toolbar on the left is the Rows to display, which allows you to alter the number of rows that appear in the Data Table. By default, 10 are show, but you have the option of displaying 25, 50 or 100 rows.
At the bottom of the Data Table, if there are more rows available than are selected to be shown, then you'll get page tabs which look like the image below. Otherwise you'll just get text detailing how many total pages there are.
So use the page tabs to click though the views until you find the item that you are looking for.
Further along, you get the search options. First of which is the tick box for Use Strict Search, which means that your search will be case sensitive. So if you have this ticked and search for "Contact", then you will not get results that include "contact".
Next will be the search box, and the search refreshes as you type, so results are instant. Clear the search box to show all items and remove the search.
Empty Data Table
If you load a window and the Data Table is empty, when you expect there to be results, check that the Search option is clear, as it might be filtering your results and remembers your last search.
Last option is usually the Create button, which allows you to add a new item, depending on the current Window you are viewing.
So if you have opened the Page Management Window, then the Create Button will open up a new page dialog.
Data Table
The Data Table is the main part of the Management Window. It shows the rows of data, with columns for details. The details are considered the main details, and further details are available should you edit these items.
Titles and sorting
Each column contains a title. The column titles can also contain arrows, each arrow means something to do with sorting the display. If there is no arrow, then that column is not sortable, otherwise refer to the table below:
This up arrow means that the Data Table is sorted by this column in Ascending order.
This down arrow means that the Data Table is sorted by this column in Descending order.
This multi arrow means that the Data Table is not currently sorted by this column, but it is available to be used by that.
Click on the column head to toggle the sort by this column features, ascending first, followed by descending. You can only sort by one column at a time.
Rows are separated by different background colours, white and grey, and text lines can wrap over more than one line.
Links within Data Tables are indicated by an underline.
Clicking on a link
Clicking on a link will take you away from your current window and load the page within the same tab by default.
Edit, delete and other options
Edit and delete icons are located in the final column to the right. The edit icon is indicated by the standard pencil icon, and the delete by the standard trash can icon.
Other icons can also appear here, but they are unique to that window, and would be detailed as such within their own documentation.